What If?

Picture of Lake Washington

Lake Washington

Building love in our families & relationships, Inspiring hearts with our abilities, birthing purpose-discovery through Christ Jesus, using motivation to endure through it all

This question holds an immense amount of excitement for the dreamer. It holds a lot for the imaginary one, the explorer, and the visionary person. It also holds power in the believer, the hopeful and faithful one who is trusting in possibility.


I’ve grown up being the ”what if” minded person. It just never made sense to me that when unordinary or unusual circumstantial challenges weren’t met or conquered, your chase ended. I couldn’t agree that when you couldn’t see it, it wasn’t real. It never satisfied me to go along with the idea that when it feels over, it is over. NO… Not if you still want it. There’s got to be another way. It always felt like there could be more to a plan. And it would be hurtful to hear people convinced that there’s nothing left to hold onto. 

We need to believe that we cannot cut off our willingness to expand the “what if” option once our human efforts and possibilities end because there is still room for God’s range of possibilities. And his range is endless…


You see we give ourselves too much credit and strength alone when achieving our goals. That’s how we give up once our own strength fails. And it will at times. We think that it was all that could have been done and all there was once we’ve covered our bases. Not so. Don’t leave God out of the equation. We need him to complete all we set our minds to.

This is a limited mindset to think that there was nothing and no room beyond ourselves for God to move. Don’t limit yourself. There’s new ground to cover and new experiences to have be seen!

Matthew 19:26 ESV- But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

So what if? What if we opened our minds to not just what we can see but what we can’t see? We can only reach as far as we frame our minds to think. If we suppress the possibility, we stay where we’re at. If we allow God to show us more possibilities and call us to them, he can take us to extraordinary places both physically and spiritually. What does your heart believe as to what God can do?

Proverbs 23:7 NKJV- “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” …

”The biggest difference between a regular person and a ”what if” person is their ability to think beyond themselves.”

We’ve all been in situations where we were made to put something at rest in our minds instead of spinning our gears to search for a miracle solution. Who has time for all that? some may say. Well, many people do. God can place the desire to search on. To remove our doubt and think past what we understand or what makes sense. Part of it all is just understanding that God will always inspire us to more. He opens up our eyes to see into the future with that problem or that solution, met. 

WHAT ARE YOUR WHAT IF’S TODAY- (How would things be different?) ASK YOURSELF…

“What if” I could build that dream business?

“What if” I did tell (blank) how much I love them and need them in my life?

“What if” I could study and become an expert at…(blank)

“What if” I did pack up and move to…(blank)

“What if” I did step into faith without all the answers?

“What if” I let go of my past?

“What if” I started a new routine and became more disciplined?

“What if” I stopped allowing people to think for me and make my decisions?

“What if” I decided to do better?

“On the other side of ”what if” could be an entirely different life”…..


There will come a time for everyone where the wonder, the time of reflection and curiosity for “what if” will end. What if is here to spark our imaginations and move us into the great areas God awaits for us in. But, we have but a single life to make the decisions to go from “What if” to “Why not” and then be willing to begin heading in that very direction. How precious are each of our pivotal decisions in life. So the next time you think “What if”, don’t stop there, dream on, ask God to guide you if it is indeed for you, and live your most abundant life!

Mark 9:23 ESV- And Jesus said to him, “‘If you can’! All things are possible for one who believes.”

We must believe in more.  

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