Picture of Lake Washington

Lake Washington

Building love in our families & relationships, Inspiring hearts with our abilities, birthing purpose-discovery through Christ Jesus, using motivation to endure through it all

We forgot that this exists for our use. Time…….Not only our use but our good use. God took his time to build creation on each day with good intentions and he said that it was “good”. Oh the value in time…. A temporary, taken for granted routine that repeats itself over and over again for us and so we follow it as it leads the way to some unknown tomorrow. But what if we understood it? What if we understood better that time is a blessing and it’s given by our Heavenly Father for us to exist in it a particular way for a particular reason? 

We may not know what time will bring but we can certainly decide, with God’s help, what to bring to time.


When I think of how quickly time goes, I find myself overwhelmed. Between the racing thoughts in my mind, tasks A, B, C, obligation D and responsibility E, by reminder F, that evening is now into the early morning. It carries-on-over with a brand new “everything’s a priority” day! Whew…… Now I need to rest to recharge but yet that puts me further behind on the stack of things to catch up on. Plus it’s no longer Monday, it’s now Friday and I’m wondering how in the world did I get here so fast? Have you ever forgot what day you were on because they all ran continuously together? I have. How did time do that? No, I did that with time? The key is to use time wisely.

Ephesians 5:15-17 ESV- Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.

 I believe the key is to know what we’re supposed to be doing with our time given. This can be tricky. Do you know why you’re given the time that you have? Is it completely filled or does it allow spaces to breathe………

We should ask ourselves these questions-

  1. Are we too busy to have any time for God?
  2. Are we too busy to take care of what God has given us responsibility over or what he has given for to us to use as a gift?
  3. Do we watch time pass while we wonder what we should even do with our time?
  4. Do we forget that while we still live inside of this concept called time it has an expiration?
  5. Do we value the time we’re in by living, embracing, doing and being?
  6. Do we wait to be given more time before we can do something with it instead of making more room?
  7. Do we find ourselves running late or often running out of time?

If you answered yes to a couple of these, it may be time to re-think TIME!


This statement is all too often felt by most adults. I wish I had the time. Time has always been had but we just haven’t mastered how to use it. We simply have to make room for the things that matter most and are a priority. Some things we may need to give up or replace, while other tasks we may need to schedule out, allotting for a time when we are least distracted. 

Having an idea or a plan on what exactly our goals are, is also super important. Here is a great place to start. Begin embracing time by first-

  1. Seeking the Lord’s will for your days
  2. Creating a balance with both productiveness and rest
  3. Being thankful for the opportunity to still operate with life and breath, inside of another day, within the “present” time.
  4. Remember our appointment as time draws nigh to be with our Lord and Savior. And to be alert, be watching, and be ready! 


 Understand how sweet a moment is. If you’ve been too busy, slow down by taking the time to smell the roses. When you slow down enough to embrace time, you see the value of each and every day more clearly. You’ll also take the time to listen more, to sense more, to hear more and to love more while there’s still this beautiful gift called TIME.  

Psalm 90:12 ESV- So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.

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