The Reason for the Season…Saves

Picture of Lake Washington

Lake Washington

Building love in our families & relationships, Inspiring hearts with our abilities, birthing purpose-discovery through Christ Jesus, using motivation to endure through it all

Lately, over the last few years, I’ve noticed that over the holidays Christmas has been a controversial topic. The controversy showed up where it does most often… social media. I rarely respond but I just found it fascinating to read how other people think and view life. And in this case, I’m referring to the holidays. There has been much debate over Christmas and how many have stated that it is a pagan holiday and that there shouldn’t be a focus on decorative trees, Santa, elves, and other highlighted characters. Along with this, many have reminded viewers that there has been research conducted with the idea that the birth of Jesus isn’t actually on Christmas. Some even went as far as to pull others’ “Christian Card” for even participating in such a holiday as Christmas.

I’m here to say that I don’t have all the answers. Nor do I judge you if you didn’t choose to celebrate this holiday or if you did. But, for the sake of the conversation, I view an opportunity to acknowledge the very physical existence and the birth of Jesus coming into the world that He will dramatically impact, as a prominent and special time to celebrate ANYTIME! 

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

As for me, when I was growing up Christmas was an amazing time of year. Why wouldn’t it be? For a kid, colorful lights, music, bells, bows, and candy everywhere drew excitement and cheer. Sipping on eggnog, meeting together with family, and opening gifts, were as if it was everyone’s birthday at once! Plus you had the opportunity to see someone else smile out of appreciation when you gave them something special. There was always just a lot of love, giving, and togetherness in the air.

But Here’s What Else Happened Over Christmas…

God’s Spirit and the foundation of who Jesus ever was, and still is, and the importance of his existence began to live inside my heart. Spending the night at my best friend’s grandmother’s house meant we would be going to Church the next morning. And over Christmas time I saw a play acted out in front of my eyes by children that explained what happened when the Savior of the world was born in a manger in Bethlehem. It was simple, it was foundational, and IT WAS LIFE CHANGING… 

Matthew 2:1-2 Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, saying, ‘Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.

On another account, around Christmas at this same Church, the youth went into a classroom, we lit a cupcake, and all sang Happy Birthday to “Jesus”. I will never forget it and it impacted my life to this day. That very evening I understood how important this man was and still is. This very Church gave out VHS tapes on the story of Jesus Christ. I still have it to this day. Back then I went home and watched it in the basement of my house. At the end of the video, it invited me into prayer to accept Jesus into my heart and allow him to be Lord of my life at 11 years old! Because of all of this, my life is now saved.

Matthew 1:21 NIVShe will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus because he will save his people from their sins.

Years later when I attended Bible College, at Christmas time I sang in the International Bible College Choir where we would put on a musical called “Sing Joy”. “Sing Joy to the world, the Savior is born, let heaven, heaven, and nature sing!” I had the amazing opportunity to open up the musical by leading this song and close by leading the finale with the final and closing lines, “Hallelujah to the newborn King!” We too got to share the message of Jesus over Christmas time.

I guess what I’m saying is- the only time an everyday, unaware of Jesus type of person might ever hear of or gain a greater understanding of who Christ the Lord really is all about, is over Christmas. Just maybe… And if so, then an incredible seed has certainly been planted. People tend to do more for others at this time of year. And this remarkable message is heard on a much greater scale even if it’s simply through Christmas carols on the radio and throughout retail stores. Jesus is highlighted in a more recognized manner which has the opportunity to change hearts. I hope in this season you were able to not withhold, but allow the Holy Spirit to lead you in whichever way would remind another that a Savior was born, and died so that we might invite Him into our hearts and have life everlasting. And His name is Jesus. He is our greatest gift!

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