The Child Within

Picture of Lake Washington

Lake Washington

Building love in our families & relationships, Inspiring hearts with our abilities, birthing purpose-discovery through Christ Jesus, using motivation to endure through it all

For the kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as These…. Who are these? Children. They have a way of helping us marvel over the significance they hold. Their innocence is humbling and they brighten the room with giggles and smiles. Born into a sinful world like all of us, a child is naturally intrigued to move, grow and discover this new yet temporary inhabitance called life. Observant for days, they begin on a journey called wonder, steady learning, and looking to find comfort, connection, and belonging.


 A mother or father’s arms we craved because we trusted them as our place of rest. It was their lap or becoming cradled in one of their arms that were reassuring. When we got too far out of sight from, the one who carried us, we’d cry. Why? Because we knew who was ultimately our help, who we fully depended upon, and who we looked for to feed, clothe and speak to us. A mother or father still disciplined us because they wanted us to understand the basic principles between right and wrong. Yet still, our dependency was one-hundred. Now imagine that this is the same response God desires from us towards him as fully grown independent human beings.

Matthew 18:3 NIV- And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.


Ever notice when you were a kid things were simple? And when you got older things became over-complicated, more confusing, and busier. There are bigger battles to overcome, more stress, and more responsibility to carry. And yet there still remains the same underlying message from our heavenly Father, from a child into old age…

Isaiah46:4 ESV- Even to your old age I am he, and to gray hairs I will carry you. I have made, and I will bear; I will carry and will save.

“Our dependency on God becomes more difficult when we’re older because we feel we don’t have a need for someone to answer to.” So we become our own, even though we still belong…”


Why is it we’re so quick to want to grow up? I believe it is that we are so anxious for more, beyond our restrictions. The idea of coming into our own is super exciting but we can also take that to mean that we don’t need God to interfere, be in charge or guide our self-absorbed decisions anymore. Even when this is not intentional, it can unnoticeably happen without us even realizing it. Whenever we move beyond the dependent-upon-God boundaries, past what we feel are limitations, and the guidelines set in place, we are more vulnerable to fall. This is why we need our heavenly father’s hand to remain present so that we see our way through.

“Don’t stray but remain close to the hand that provides life.”

When we take on the mind of independence our child-like ways may expire. It can become tainted and corrupted by the filtration of our own pride and ego. And what do you know, we suddenly know what’s best, and we suddenly do, listen to and follow what ultimately satisfies us foremost. If we’re not careful, our character can take on that which is the opposite of these child-like characteristics. Yes, when we become an adult we must grow to become mature and complete in our full development, but not at the cost of forgetting the child within us. When we were a child we had no status, no authority and we had to answer to adults. We certainly weren’t the ones fully in control. It’s a humbling position to be in because it’s selfless. And a selfless positioning is what’s required in order for Jesus to become Lord of our lives!

Mark 10:15-16- Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it. And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them. 

Be blessed! And never lose your child within…..

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