Not Forgiven

Picture of Lake Washington

Lake Washington

Building love in our families & relationships, Inspiring hearts with our abilities, birthing purpose-discovery through Christ Jesus, using motivation to endure through it all

One of the hardest things to face is being wrong. The humiliation alone is humbling and when there aren’t always mature enough people to respond to it’s happening, is when you truly realize you’re on your own in the ordeal. An even harder facing is when we are “NOT FORGIVEN”. Sometimes it was a big event and sometimes it’s a rather petty situation, laced with an immature foundation.

So, here’s a fact; nobody likes to mess up and make a mistake and find themselves guilty afterwards. Others may feel you should reap the weight and discouragement of guilt forever but Jesus hasn’t this desire for you.
The awful thing is, oftentimes when guilt happens, it feels too late. Well, it is, BUT…it’s only too late to rewind back time. We can’t have an exact re-do, before it was we opened our mouth and said those things that we know hurt the one we love where it added fuel to the fire. Intentionally or unintentionally, we said it and regret it. Nobody’s perfect and we all mess up. Have you ever responded too quickly in the moment because your head just wasn’t clear enough to think straight? Well… we need to understand how it is we got their to begin with, and ask the Holy Spirit to guide and calm our thoughts, next time, before we respond in a lousy way. It happens.

When we do wrong, our imperfection is magnified to others and in our own conscience, which makes it more difficult to face. BUT..

It isn’t yet too late-

1 John 1:19- If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

That means if we do this earnestly, the person we wronged may not be alright with us just yet, but we are surely alright with God. And God will be enough to take our, now humble heart, and give us the strength to carry on anyhow.


Yes, we are wrong when we mistreat, hurt, or wrong another person on all levels. And some of you may be waiting on that person, after you’ve said your “I’m sorry’s”, to say, “I forgive you”.
Once you’ve made YOUR peace with that individual, and you’ve made your peace with God, then you have to move on and learn from your error the best you know-how. This is going to require prayer and more help from God. And then you also HAVE TO FORGIVE YOURSELF……These are things you can pray that God help you to do after you’ve confessed & asked for forgiveness-

Please help me in the area I was wrong, that I may have the wisdom, clarity of mind, and strength not to do it again.
Please intervene and heal the relationship that is damaged and restore it, back to a healthy state.
Please touch their heart and help the individual I’ve hurt, to forgive me.
Please show me whatever else I must do in love, towards this individual moving forward.
Please guard and guide our interactions with one another towards a positive environment moving forward


Every argument, every fight, and every feud is a part of life. And it can and will happen. It will happen especially between our marriages, friendships, family members, when dating, and with strangers or acquaintances. The hardest actions to deal with or forgive, are those actions that are deliberate, spiteful, or between us and the ones we’re closest to. They can hurt us the most. Always remember that if God can forgive us, we can forgive also. Unforgiveness holds everybody spiritually hostage, so it’s really never worth it when God calls us to release it unto him and be free.

1 Peter 4:8 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

Some relationships may never go back to exactly how they were, unfortunately, even after forgiveness had taken place.
BUT, you’re gonna need to know that God still loves you anyhow.

If you’re the one who hasn’t forgiven another, consider making this just as important as the need to apologize.

Matthew 6:14- For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.

Ephesians 4:32- Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
It not only heals the whole situation over time but it makes your relationship right with God also. You don’t want to hold anger, resentment, bitterness, or even pain on the inside. It will lie dormant and surface when you meet again. If there’s someone you need to forgive now or if you’re still waiting to be forgiven, tell yourself today it’s time to release and let go…..

I hope this helps somebody…
God Bless 😊


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