Move out of your Imagination

Picture of Lake Washington

Lake Washington

Building love in our families & relationships, Inspiring hearts with our abilities, birthing purpose-discovery through Christ Jesus, using motivation to endure through it all

I Could See It

I’m a dreamer. I’ve known this since I was a child. The difference then was that within I was quite a bit more… how should I put it… nonchalantly fierce. I don’t know where this came from but my free-spirited mentality had little boundaries. I often thought that there’s gotta be a way and that it just hadn’t come to me yet. But it will. My ways, my positioning, and my attitude towards the “possible” were more so, fixed. My best friends jokingly nicknamed me pushy in high school because I wanted what I knew could be possible but that was simply overlooked. So, I would work to remain determined. And my reason for believing so was….Why not? 

Racing in Mind yet Still in My Actions

Maybe this is or was you too. I think when the enemy sees an ambitious individual, that to distract or discourage them during the course of their journey toward fulfillment in purpose and in God is the only way to try to trip up and destroy one’s destiny. This may have us stay put, and settle and lower our standard for the greatness that’s within. But I encourage you to still press forward and fight in the Spirit, in the name of Jesus according to the Word of God.

Then sometimes it’s totally our decision as to whether we let the discomfort zones paralyze us from stepping outside the expandable boundaries of possibilities. This can make us all remain completely still in our actions from responding to God prompting us forward into going, doing, and moving.

Conceptualize Our Moving Steps

It’s great to have a mind that’s given a direction and is exploding with images, brilliant plans, problems solving solutions, with a light that sparks inside of you. But no great thing becomes an actual existing reality without steps. You have to go from- in your head, to moving ahead and not standing in one place. This is why there is a limitation to your daydreams. 

Yes, it’s easier to continue daydreaming or avoiding your inevitable destiny- But instead, begin to brainstorm by getting your idea out of your head and onto a piece of paper or notebook. Start there.

Yes, you’re going to imagine obstacles- So then begin to write those obstacles down also so you can begin to see how others overcame those same obstacles. Then pray that God removes fear of those obstacles and that provisions will be made.

Yes, you’re not going to know where to start- Pray and ask God for guidance, direction, wisdom, and knowledge. Then get ready to keep your answers organized as you make calls, ask, and look up the “where to’s“, how to’s, and what to do’s, when gathering research materials.

Yes, you’re going to feel like you don’t have enough time- That’s when you will need to discover the power in baby steps so when you look back, they will have led you to consistent and steady progressions.

Yes, you may feel like quitting And go back to what? Is that what you really want to do?? Find counsel and someone to hold you accountable. There are plenty of professional mentors that will keep you forward-thinking. The further you go, means the farther you’ve gone, to where you will have put in too much effort to even want to turn around.

Yes, you may feel like no one believes you with your thing-……… Hmmm…They’ll see…..

The Old Saying to “Set Goals”

You’ve heard this a million times and it’s cliche but guess what, it’s critical. Whether it’s a checklist or an affirming announcement to whoever’s listening- say it, mean it, confirm it and do it. When you see yourself crossing a task off the list there is now evidence of major or minor progress. And as you walk in faith, it will build your expectation to see that achieving a goal was never out of reach. The bottom line is to commit to your plan by seeing it and setting it.

Proverbs 21:5 ESV- The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty.

I sometimes miss the me that would see further than where I actually was and I’m now ready to return to that. It begins with asking the Lord to become the foundation in the building and constructing of all things in my life. And to open and close the right doors while my mind stays steadfast on Christ.

Hebrews 12:2- Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer, and perfecter of faith.

Psalm 127:1- Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.

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