
Ephesians 5:2Walk in love even as Christ also loved us and gave himself up for us.

Imagine an action or communication that reflects the kind of love that would give everything up for us. It is the love that we long for and that others long from us. We just have to make sure that the same desire for the love we appreciate is reflected by the love we give also. We have a responsibility with the hand we share, our voice who cares and words that that transpire to the depths of our souls. There is joy but also pain during the process of love surfacing itself as we extend it to one another. Not to mention there are amazing works of art, service and written works to capture love’s essence! 

With such beauty and perseverance in love, we have much to say and a powerful expression to share in our friendships, marriages, family and more.


When love is pure you breathe easy…

The atmosphere’s presence sings a sweet, soft and subtle harmony

Every one of my senses is apparent and awake and alive at the same time 

It’s like we’re in another dimension and it’s understood that there’s reason enough to be

It’s where nothing else needs to be explained 

Because our surrounding has spoken for itself without either one of us having to say a word… 

Our actions, interactions, and even our silence exude a steady…. immeasurable love…

-Lake W.