Look Ahead Not Behind

Picture of Lake Washington

Lake Washington

Building love in our families & relationships, Inspiring hearts with our abilities, birthing purpose-discovery through Christ Jesus, using motivation to endure through it all

In our daily lives I’m coming to realize the only thing that slows us down from moving ahead is when we’re looking behind us. Remember the song lyrics to “Moving Forward” by gospel singer Israel Houghton?

“I’m not going back, I’m moving ahead

Here to declare to you my past is over in you

All things are made new, surrendered my life to Christ

I’m moving, moving forward……

It said my past is over in you. And that “YOU” can be replaced with lust, a bad habit, a demon, a lie, a burden, a false belief, or a person. Staying, staring, and looking behind us can keep us there, held captive, and locked in a direction we originally desired to get away from. Looking back can discourage us from moving forward, leaving us in pity and shame. Looking back can also continuously feed our minds with memories and images that cause us to re-live our deepest darkest secrets, our disappointments, and our greatest regrets. When you look back you turn away from hope, 

Remember Lot’s Wife……

Like Lot’s wife, looking back to hold on to people, places, and things that don’t benefit our lives and are opposite to what God has for us and where he is trying to take us to, can be destructive.

Genesis 19:26- But Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.

So where does looking back really lead us to? It should lead us to a better understanding ahead of us, greater wisdom, and lessons learned. Often we find ourselves still saying, “But I want justice”. “I want revenge to just vent and lash out.” “I’d rather hide and bury my humiliations and cry because this must be who I still am”.  Wrong. The truth is believing the lie that our past is our entire identity has gotten us nowhere. So, when are we gonna put away looking back and start looking forward? Looking back means revisiting the emotion we once felt. That’s called pain re-lived. It may resurface and it repeats itself becoming unresolved and that’s tougher than only our own strength can handle most times. This will require a special kind of healing of the heart. Now if that emotion wasn’t benefiting, it could begin to recreate a gripping trap of past dwelling once again. Shame or pity sets in and we see “IT” rather than hope and freedom.

Instead, turn around… and look at the unpainted pathway ahead. Whatever was behind you has gotten your attention all these days, weeks, or even years, and it probably has wasted your present life. Jesus says to look at me. And when there’s a reference to a direction he says, “Look up!”. It’s time we ask ourselves, what is the center of attention in our lives. And then we can shift our attention to the area and mindset that will best serve our lives in our walk with Jesus.

Proverbs 4:25- Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you.

All Things Are Made New

That word...“NEW” is to mean something that did not exist yet, so that it is now discovered or introduced for the first time. New is fresh and comes with a fresh wind and unchartered steps that breed new emotions and new hope. And when we let go of our past and connect that with Christ we are now a new creation! How beautiful is that. If you hadn’t done so, it’s time to forgive yourself. We often feel it’s someone else holding us back but it’s really just us. God is cheering for you to let go and let Him take over.

Our minds are often focused on our pain and we will replay it over and over again trying to make sense of the tragedy, dysfunction, mistakes, or unfairness of an event. BUT….you must understand that there is a special place we can reside with Jesus that is safe, that is welcoming, and where there is love. And when we feel these things such as his presence, there absolutely CAN be a great amount of peace. This is because focusing on the things of God is good and will move your mind away from the warfare or your current circumstances. They can also help you to move and change things that are in the natural by praying from a spiritual positioning in Christ Jesus.

Isaiah 26:3- You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you.

The Places to Focus

So what do we focus on when our hearts are distracted by what is behind us instead of what is in front of us? We focus on Jesus and we focus on gratitude and the parts of our lives we are grateful for. If there’s someone we need to forgive from our past then we focus on grace and we focus on sharing mercy. If we experienced pain then we focus on God’s love and the value he holds for us individually. If we are anxious or angry we can focus on breathing and releasing or surrendering this burden to the Lord. It may not be automatic at first so we’ll need to train our minds to pivot our attention back to these focal points. But the more we look ahead and imagine the better situation God desires us to have in faith, the more it will it will come to fruition.

Philippians 4:8- Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

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