How Come They Can’t See I’m Valuable?

Picture of Lake Washington

Lake Washington

Building love in our families & relationships, Inspiring hearts with our abilities, birthing purpose-discovery through Christ Jesus, using motivation to endure through it all

I want them to see me, but I don’t. Have you ever felt this way? You want to be noticed for your incredible God-given value but without saying, “See me!?” “I’m over here!” Besides, you’re not the bragging type at all. You just want your “being seen” to amount to “being heard”. Because once you are heard, you just might finally feel useful with the use of your voice, insight, opinion, ability, expression or message, right? Well, before you give all emotions over to how people view you, consider what’s more important.


Remember, God is more concerned  that you know the magnitude of His love for you. He’s also concerned about His voice being heard through all of us more so, than the need we have for man to see and hear our own voice or actions. This is especially if those actions don’t line up with His ways. Man is more concerned about himself being seen and God is more concerned about things unseen in nature. 

2 Corinthians 4:18 NIV- So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

1 Samuel 16:7 NIV- The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.


If they cannot see your value, God will. Be careful not to value the opinions of man more than God. This is a trap. Perhaps it’s time to stop letting man hold the keys to your worth. You do not need man’s approval to believe you are very valuable.

Galations 1:10 NIV- Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.

They may not. Yes, it’s hard to become known when you feel unknown. Where some people are known for putting it all out there, good or bad, some of us hold our valuable little piece of self for the perfect little moment in time. Except, our little moment idea, somehow got lost in time. God sees, knows, values, and takes into consideration every unseen thought, word, and deed. And what he wants to be seen will be seen. Just be ready, be humble and most importantly, let it be a reflection of Him.

Have you ever waited for the atmosphere to get quite and then finally your boss asks, after circling the room, “So how do you think we should handle this situation (your name)?” Or maybe you’ve heard the words “Who wants to (Fill in the blank)? You’d rather wait for a favor to be asked before you’ll consider setting the stage to shine away that great light within to be displayed.
Even tougher, have you ever had to start a conversation and convince the listener by saying “I’ve got something I need to show you.” Or, “Look at this idea I have.”

The problem is you don’t want to feel you’re bothering somebody by overstepping your boundaries or stepping on someone else’s toes. Being modest or even humble is great! It will have its appropriate place, but having your light become insignificant or timid is NOT!
Wherever you are, whether it’s in corporate America, working in a daycare or preparing food, we all have something to contribute! If we put a padlock on our potential and suppress the spark within, we diminish the opportunity to influence and promote change for the better!
It’s damaging in the long run to your self-esteem and the value God sees in you.
Here’s the thing… Be aware if you find you always brush off your abilities and say the following-

“Ah…. It’s not important”
“It can wait.” “Plus, I really don’t have the time”
“It’s way too big of a dream.” “How would that even happen?”
“They’re gonna think I’m crazy.”
“I’m trying too hard to want to be heard.” “Maybe it’s not the right time.”
“I don’t have the money to think about this anyway.”
“Perhaps someone else has a better idea.” /”There’ll probably be someone who can do it better.”
“It’s probably silly.”

Maybe they can’t see how valuable you are because neither do YOU!
If this is the conversation in your mind, it’s time for the new self. You must change your conversation. Besides, there’s a rebuttal for every excuse on the list.

It is important because God placed it in me for a reason. I have the time and I’m ready to share. If not, I can make time.


They may think it’s crazy, but it’s because they can’t see the outcome, the other side or understand the passion behind what’s important to you.
Timing is important, but make sure when you are led to share and you know it’s time and then you move forward in confidence and not in hesitation. Don’t procrastinate and lose every opportunity.

Money, resources and convenience may not be at your current disposal, but you’ve got to walk with value in your purpose now, by preparing your abilities for when it does come. And believe it will come!

Someone may always have a better idea or do it better than you. Then they may not! Either way, if it’s meant for you to share, it’s meant for YOU to share! You doing it at whatever is YOUR level will speak volumes.

So you say, “How come they can’t see that the God in you and me makes us ALL valuable?”…… MAKE THEM

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