Picture of Lake Washington

Lake Washington

Building love in our families & relationships, Inspiring hearts with our abilities, birthing purpose-discovery through Christ Jesus, using motivation to endure through it all

When it comes to God’s purpose for you in your life it can be hard to separate his mission for you from life’s distractions. Besides, our lives are tied to so many people, places, and things already, that have taken away our time, energy, and attention. Therefore, when we stop long enough to hear God’s voice reminding us of that special assignment, we look around us and wonder how “it” our purpose, might ever fit into our busy picture. 

Purpose from God, for some people, can feel like a disruption against one’s original societal plans, or going against the grain of what is ordinarily our regular schedule. It’s like God calls us out with what feels like a burden or sense of urgency to himself. Most of the time we feel like we’re not knowledgeable, skillfully equipped, or financially stable to do it. We’re also not ready for the sacrifices it may entail. With purpose, there comes hard lessons, failure, shaping, molding, and discomfort. But with purpose, it also comes with reward, beauty, refinement, fulfillment, and new horizons. The greatest thing that develops along the way, is a closer connection to God and His will being accomplished on the earth.

His way and his purpose really are the best things for us because it has to do with why we are here, and the ripple effect of people our purpose will affect.

Luke 9:23 NIV- Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.”


This really is the biggest question of life and a mystery to many. For those who read this and may not know what the emphasis on purpose means in your life, think about it from this perspective. There’s a reason for living. It’s not just to catch yourself breathing or existing, while being forced around in multiple routines, waiting for the next moment to find pleasure, to give yourself something to look forward to. So if you catch your life just going through the motions, stop and ask yourself these question-

 Why do you do the routine you do every day? What is the reason behind it? Outside of the monotony, if we view ourselves as an extension of God, by way of being representatives of His light into the world, we can make it our goal to bring life and hope to everything we put our hand to and dwell among. This creates a positive momentum to motivate us and become the very “reason” for our day to day routines. So oftentimes, there is some heart-connected meaning for that motivation or purpose. When there is no significant reason, there’s no motivation, and when there’s an empty reason there remains emptiness. Remember, if the motivation operates within our own self-pleasure, we have missed God’s purpose for us all together.

Our purpose is always connected to impacting other human beings. This is why, if you’ve found yourself in isolation from other people, it’s time to interact, connect, find good Faith-based mentors, and counsel to keep a healthy perspective other than your own. When you have a reason to go and do, outside of yourself, then the struggle to wonder if you’re enough of a reason expands beyond just you, but to others who are also the reason you go and do. They need what God has uniquely placed inside you.



That heart-connected reason could be that someone in your family suffered from sickness and died, so now you want to study some aspect in the medical field to prevent others from suffering from the same thing. Other scenarios are that God has helped you to overcome and you want to be a resource for somebody else to do the same. Maybe God spoke in your spirit and revealed to you what you would become and you felt a dedicated and honorable duty to fulfill the calling. Or you were gifted with a talent, skill, or ability that people gravitated to, so now you use that drawing of people to glorify God. God placed a creative business idea that would solve a major problem for people, and you used this to also promote the name of Jesus.

Do it for God! And if there’s a person, group of people, or a cause that would have you to make a difference for others, especially the least of others, then certainly do it for Christ.

Ephesians 2:10-For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Do you want to become the better or best version of Yourself that also clarifies your identity?

Begin by praying and asking God for His purpose, will, and direction for your life. (You can stop and do it right now). A lot of times this may require giving up something or somethings so God can use you, minus the unGodly distractions. He wants to align you to the new creation you have become when you believe in and say yes to Him and His son Jesus. The journey will also now operate under different rules which mainly require you to now walk more in faith, trust God, and take unknown steps in obedience


If your routine is random and unorganized then you need to create structure.

If you have a routine but there’s still no particular reason or “why” in what you’re doing then- re-discover who you are by aligning the passions and abilities God’s placed within so that you become inspired to focus your goals in a more meaningful direction.

If your routine is just to survive and pay bills, just know there is soooooooooooo much more to life than just this. Let God show you. A good reason to live is not just to survive expenses. The blessings from God are way beyond money for bills, expenses, and material matters. 

The Big Gaping HOLE called a VOID

Notice, there are people who have it all and still feel lack. They still feel an absence or they feel incomplete. I believe the void is that place that Jesus is meant to fill because we remain incomplete without Him. He reminds us that for us he shed his blood and died and that we’re loved, forgiven, and can be forever a part of a beautiful eternal family full of life and love when we choose and invite him into all areas of our heart.

 This inner self with Christ is what gives us the means and strength to face that outer world full of pain, challenges, and disarray. We settle in life when don’t bring what’s inside of us, out and connect it to our pupose. And that can be challenging when what’s inside of it is hard to detect, is neglected or is ignored. I think it’s safe to say for many, the purpose within has not yet become apparent. BUT DON”T GIVE UP! Sometimes, on our road to discovering our purpose we need to not wait for moments to happen but we were actually meant to create them ourselves and see where God might lead us to next. 

Romans 8:28 ESV- And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.


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