Get In The Game

Picture of Lake Washington

Lake Washington

Building love in our families & relationships, Inspiring hearts with our abilities, birthing purpose-discovery through Christ Jesus, using motivation to endure through it all

It’s A Reminder… 

Reminders serve a great purpose. Without them, those of us whose memories don’t hang around for very long would be much worse off. As for myself, when it comes to helping me remember a particular thing, I like to use my Notes and my Voice Memos App on my smartphone. Plus I love to write in my organizer and another 4 notebooks I’ll have stacked around me in a single day. It all helps me to organize my thoughts. Now in the case of our goals for this year in 2023, we should take a serious look at our present careers and whatever it is that God is waiting for us to suit up for. We first have to identify if we are in the right game. In other words, are we on the right field, inside the right stadium, or maybe on the right court? If something doesn’t make sense, and we’re not making moves or growing forward, then the reminder I’m talking about simply says, “Ok what are we doing?” It’s time to go and GET IN THE GAME! God will be with us when it’s time to move in action just as he was with men and women of God in the Bible.

(The Lord spoke to Moses and told him to go to Pharaoh to bring His people the Israelites out of Egypt).

Exodus 4:12 NIV- Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.” 

From Chaos Back to Consistency

This scenario in a new year is nothing new. We have completed the height of the holidays when everything seemed very fast-paced. We saw more faces and more places. Some of us traveled, went to Church services, and endured waiting in the extra-long lines for gift exchanges, returns, and crowds. Many of us took time off while businesses have slowed down temporarily to do the same. But this is all behind us and now everything has settled. We’ve rested and now we’re back to business and reality.

We’re back inside a routine that we call “consistent”. We need consistency because, without it, we cannot put a plan into place and stick to it. Do you have a good system and a good consistent routine for getting in the game? One of the most important areas of consistency we will need to practice is spending time with God so, just like a coach, when he says- “Ok it’s time to get in the game”, we’re ready to run in and go.

Genesis 12:1 NIV- The LORD had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people, and your father’s household to the land I will show you.

Developing good habits will keep things moving in the right direction and bring clarity toward what it is you are trying to accomplish each day. We’ve all heard the expression, “People can do things without a rhyme or a reason”. But we all know that this isn’t effective nor is it fulfilling.

Don’t live life mindlessly and without a reason for what you’re doing. That is being fruitless, it’s non-productive, non-beneficial, and it’s purposeless. Saddest of all, it’s regrettable. 

Proverbs 12:11 NIV- Those who work their land will have abundant food, but those who chase fantasies have no sense.

Which Are You? Ask Yourself

So this blog is meant to be a self-evaluation or a self-check. Ask yourself these questions- Are you in the game? And if you’re not in the game, then let’s talk about where you’re at.

If you’re not in the game, then where are you? (The Game represents your purpose)

Are you still in bed? 

Are you on your way to the game?

Are you still trying to determine which game you even want to play?

Are you on the bench? 

Are you in the huddle and do you have a team? 

Has your life stayed in practice mode but you’ve not progressed to game day?

Are you even listening attentively for the next play to keep it moving?

Are you in the game but you don’t even know what’s going on or why you’re there?

Are you wearing your number and the uniform of your purpose?

Are you gaining points for the Kingdom of God?

(Jonah had to get in the game with the assignment God had for him to do. God also told him he needs to go!)

Jonah 1:2 NIV Get up and go to the great city of Nineveh. Announce my judgment against it because I have seen how wicked its people are.

I say this all to help you identify if you’re stagnant and need to get in motion for the assignment God has for you “right now” or for the blessing of more that God has for you. Don’t miss out on your opportunity to get in the game. A game is only for so long, just as well as our lives will be. For some of us, it’s half time and we need to get moving while we still have the strength. For others, it’s in overtime, and God’s waiting on you because you still have a shot to take. I’m here to encourage you…TAKE IT!

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Reader Comments

  1. Well done!!! This has certainly been a post that invites me to reflect on God’s direction and purpose for my life, as well as examine where I truly am in alignment to that plan. It makes me feel good to know that no matter what my answer is, God is yet there encouraging me to get in the game and not to fear because He will always be with me!!! What am I doing on the sidelines when my talents and skills are needed in the game! Great reminder Lake!!!

    1. 🙏🏽 Praise God!! and thank you so much! I’m so grateful that He reminds us that He has so much more in store for our live if we would just trust Him and move! I’ve seen you step into the game boldly and I look forward to seeing the ones you step into next!

  2. Thanks be to God for you! May God continues to bless you and your ministry! Amen! I love You!

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