The Narrow Gate

Picture of Lake Washington

Lake Washington

Building love in our families & relationships, Inspiring hearts with our abilities, birthing purpose-discovery through Christ Jesus, using motivation to endure through it all

The longer I live, the more I become less surprised while still trying to understand the complexities around the way we as human beings think. Just listen to enough interviews, read enough comments, and have enough conversations, and you’ll notice what people will defend, and speak passionately about. You will also notice that the temperature has turned up towards believers that take a stand or recommend Jesus in moments of pain, darkness, and despair. It’s as if society has said, “Ok enough with your Jesus talk.” “It’s not necessary and it’s not a band-aid for every problem.” As a result, we become mocked because it doesn’t fit into the wide-gate perspective that allows the freedom to do whatever people and our natural flesh so desires. When you do choose the path to represent Jesus, there will be challenges that are both seen and unseen that come against your desire to serve Him and stay the course. Firery darts from the enemy will take their shot at you, but God will be your place of safety as you stay on His path.

Matthew 7:13-14 NIV- Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destructionand many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Few Find It

When I hear this- “Only a few find it”, I hear- “Only a few believe it, only few can comprehend it, only few can perceive it and only a few seek or follow it”. We choose a path. We all choose a path. On the other hand, scripture says “many” enter through the wide gate. But why so many? 

There are many things around us that influence our choices. Our choice will ultimately take us further away and “cloud” our view of Him or that help to bring us closer to God and His path so that we can’t actually “see” Him and have a personal relationship. Few find it also implies that many will miss it. It’s easy to miss sacrifice among pleasures. It’s easy to miss the still and subtle voice of God’s Spirit vs the very louder voices around us. It’s harder and less desirable to be seen as peculiar, and untypical, compared to the majority.  However, as we search for and spend time in His presence, He will certainly lead us further in the right direction.  

Psalm 16:11 ESV- You make known to me the path of life; in your presence, there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

A Separation

I believe that in our lives we will experience a shaking that will challenge our faith, and lead us to some crossroads throughout our lives. We may find ourselves in scrutinizing or pressure-placed conversations where we’ll have the choice to take a stand for Christ, or the choice to deny Him. The choice to sugarcoat or the choice to speak God’s truth. The choice to soften our hearts or the choice to harden them. And the choice to choose societal culture and race first or to choose the Kingdom culture and the body of Christ. And finally, a choice to honor Him, or the choice to ignore Him. Which will you choose?

The least easy and least popular choice is the narrow gate. But guess what is our reward? The small and narrow gate leads to life!….

Proverbs 4:6 ESV- Ponder the path of your feet; then all your ways will be sure.

Really Think About It

What I’m proposing is that you take some time to see which path you might be on. If the narrow path leads to life everlasting and eternally through Jesus Christ, well then, you have the most to look forward to ahead of you! A provision or a “path” will be made for you when you choose Jesus Christ who died for our sins and those of humanity, to save our very souls. When we choose His way, and His truth through the Word of God, and surrender our lives, inviting Him as Lord to govern each day of our lives, we win because He won! If you’re looking for the right path, and the right way, look for Jesus. 

John 14:6 ESV- Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

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Reader Comments

    I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!

    1. Yes! It can be painful to see and hear the relaxed view and ridicule today towards Christ. But yes we must continue to stand strong until the end and love in the easy and the hard places. Love to you!

  2. Thanks again for the word of God! Keep on keeping on! I love You!🙏♥️😘😍😇👍

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