From Greedy To Giving- Help!

Picture of Lake Washington

Lake Washington

Building love in our families & relationships, Inspiring hearts with our abilities, birthing purpose-discovery through Christ Jesus, using motivation to endure through it all

Proverbs 11:24One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want. (ESV)

Having “enough” in today’s society has become less of the norm as people strive for more. The mindset ingrained is that we live to achieve. And what we desire are the infinite number of gains which surpass what is sufficient. We now feel that we are just as entitled as the next man. With this it becomes every man out on his own hunt for the never-ending satisfaction, way past what is adequate. But what happens when we hoard and keep seeking the plenty, while we lose a sensitivity to give to those without any? Greed has set in and it can become addictive. Trust me, it can be a very easy trap for any of us.


Have you ever witnessed a person in need and thought to yourself:

  • Please don’t ask me
  • But it is mine
  • I don’t owe them anything
  • They should be able to take care of themselves
  • Hope they’ll find someone else
  • I don’t want to lose this

Oh dear...The more we push away from other’s needs, the more we focus on and wrap ourselves up in our own needs.


We can find a great reason to obtain more at times, can’t we? Besides, we deserve it, never had it, are happier with it and what we have an abundance of, makes us look and feel the part. Forget less is more, more is more right? Wrong. More is not enough. Don’t be deceived.

If you look at our world today, the means for the money and materials we own, we feel, are due to our own efforts. So the more we have of it, the more powerful we feel and believe we are in control.

But when “WE” are the source of our every want and need, we are off-center. And satisfaction will soon become dull and less fulfilling… It will then push us to search for the next pleasure to consume. This is where we suffer not for a need but for “wants”.


We must realize and honor that God is the source of our every need. He’s the one who can guide us to understanding this. He’ll give us the proper perspective and balance as it pertains to our lifestyle, how to humble ourselves in the midst of the blessings of plenty, as well as when to think of others.

Did we ever stop to think that we are given more money, gifts, resources, insight, wisdom, free time and abilities in order to share with others who are lacking?

This idea of giving often becomes tough,  until we’re stripped of our own luxuries sad to say.

When we’ve lost what we value the most is when we are set in motion for the conditioning to becoming grateful for the least of what we have or can get.

There is a way to balance the scale and it begins with giving.



We’ve got to figure out our part in the giving field. If it’s difficult, then start small in an area where seeing how it affects another truly brings you fulfillment. The idea is to work to help our heart want to give naturally rather than followings of doubt, hesitation or feeling forced under pressure. Instead, simply decide from your own heart what to give.

2 Corinthians 9:7- NIV- Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.


To give is to separate ourselves from our personal desires. It trains our hearts for the likes of pleasing and helping others. We will reap as we sow and will feel satisfaction to know we are a contributor to another person’s joy. We can break greedy habits by opening our eyes to our surroundings. It is there we will find plenty of places and people in need who would feel grateful to receive our helping hand.

Proverbs 11:25 The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed. (NLT) 

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