Do You Believe This?

Picture of Lake Washington

Lake Washington

Building love in our families & relationships, Inspiring hearts with our abilities, birthing purpose-discovery through Christ Jesus, using motivation to endure through it all

How marvelous it is to know the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ, this Easter, is approaching during a season where it’s needed most. This being during such a devastating time around the entire world. Everyone is exhausted, concerned and curious as to why this Covid19 pandemic has encompassed, overwhelmed and isolated our daily lives. It is wondered now what our future even holds and how to effectively carry it out. Many are now convinced that there is no hope. Do you believe this???

It may be hard to mentally digest, but it is normal that we all try to make sense as to why we have to encounter and be present in a time where this is all happening. It truly feels like an over-the-top disruption to our plans doesn’t it?
The year 2020 remarkably sounded like a stand-out year to meet some stellar-like milestones as it really is like a reset in a new decade. And then came an unexpected viral threat…
Remember this one thing- This was going to happen. God knew it. God foresaw it. He assigned you to be a living soul on this day, in the year 2020, as you’re reading this message. Maybe you didn’t know it, but He did. Do you believe this???

Psalm 139:16, NIV- Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

While everything around us is chaotic, from the shock from the onset of the Coronavirus……..a sweet, impeccable loving authority reminds us of His control over this mysterious experience called life, as we trust in Him. If even the winds and the waves obey Him, (Matthew 8:27, NIV) that means He can stop and start the calamity that He sees taking place in the timing He sees fit. In the meantime, He can reset our lives by making new, our life in Him, in the midst of our fear and any loss of hope.

“The price has been paid & the path has been made. Let Him RESET and renew you heart and mind!”

That’s why He died. That’s who He is. That’s why He lives!
He has our best eternal interest in mind when He died and rose to life just 3 days later. For you to hear this now, really is great timing and a great reminder.

The Son of God- Jesus, came to earth in the flesh and was born as King of the Jews to do the will of the Father and demonstrate His love, grace, and mercy to all humanity. He came to call us to repentance. He came to save us all from the penalty of sin, from Satan’s grip, the pits of hell and to gain power over death. He came as a light to bear witness to the truth, to build our faith, and to become our friend. He encouraged us to break free from bondage, fear and to experience joy and peace both now and to come. He came to serve, to rebuke, to teach and to fulfill the law and the prophets. He came to heal the broken and oppressed and to tell of the Kingdom of God. And finally, He came to offer eternal life and confirm He will never leave us but will also give to us the comfort of the Holy Spirit to accompany us through life. Whew!…


John 11:25,26, NIV- Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this???

This is for us!! Because this is God’s promise to us. Maybe you’ve had it confused, the value of your life, because you didn’t realize that one man could care enough, to begin with. He ensures us that when you believe in Him, following this designated allotted time in our physical bodies, we can join with Him (Jesus), in eternity and live FOREVER. Sounds like the best part to me….. If it still doesn’t make sense and you still may wonder why then look around. Perhaps at some pivotal point, many will understand as to the reason His unusual love leaves so many in praise, thankfulness, and worship to Him. There’s certainly a reason. Most of all, it is because He shed His blood and died on a cross at Calvary so that we could have this marvelous opportunity.

Here are the resonating, penetrating questions that you will have made already, that you will have to decide on your death bed, or in the event of any life-changing uncertain time, where your life is in jeopardy…….

This Good Friday and Easter Sunday, we celebrate because Jesus Christ still is and  will always and forever be- the Savior of the world who died and rose in order that we may have life. So we join Him knowing that He is very much present and very much ALIVE!


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