Picture of Lake Washington

Lake Washington

Building love in our families & relationships, Inspiring hearts with our abilities, birthing purpose-discovery through Christ Jesus, using motivation to endure through it all

It dawned on me when I’ve watched people go after that which they have set out to do, that there tends to be an attitude that shows they’re serious about it. They tend to have one thing in common which is they know their priorities and they refuse to let nonsense get in their way. Sounds so simple right? Well if it was, then why is it so hard for us to go from point A to point B?


What is the mess? The mess is anything that causes confusion, disarray, disorder, or dysfunction. And as a result, it shoots to throw you off course, having you to look in other directions and focus your energy towards the wrong present opportunity. You’re usually left feeling discouraged and sort of at a loss, especially if wasn’t planned, it wasn’t permitted, and if the situation wasn’t pretty. You see, messes cause unnecessary distraction, and when it’s reoccurring in your life, it’s time to cut it out. And if there’s absolutely no way to avoid it, then just spend less time entertaining it and giving it your front and center. You can’t afford for everything to pull you down while you’re trying to climb.

When we go after our goal, there are 5 things that can stand in our way- 

  1. Other Obligations
  2. Our own comfort and pleasures
  3. People 
  4. Unnecessary Priorities
  5. Our own Mood and or Emotions


There is what you have time for and what you don’t have time for. There’s also what you make room for and what you don’t have room for. These are extremely, extremely important as we compartmentalize our thoughts in our morning, afternoon, our evening, in each month, each quarter, and each year. Choose wisely. Bottom line is, we make time for what we want most. Those who want it will make time for it if it’s their priority. They also have an appetite to learn and understand more from those experienced. For once they’ve applied that same wisdom, they too become wiser. Seek Godly wisdom on your journey to reaching your goals.

With the Goal-getter, people will have a place in their lives but only based on what’s conducive to them building healthy relationships or towards their growth in reaching that goal. 

Proverbs 13:20 ESVWhoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm. 

With the goal-getter, there will be more satisfaction in them conquering rather than them being comfortable, and they will have mastered the separation between their emotions and the mission.


I believe some people have a hard time thinking straight ahead while others don’t. Have you ever met that person who’s so focused that when you hear the person beside them say “Well what about this? or What about that? and “Aren’t you worried that they will think this or say that?” The focused one is already shaking their head as if to shake off the NOISE. They somehow know that if they start overthinking it, doubting it, or considering something else, it’s over. The safest mindset is to remember to continue trusting in the Lord during this process.

Proverbs 3:5,6 ESVIn all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. 


Sometimes it can seem insensitive when others are on the road to separating themselves from the mess to the point where they can become misunderstood. Some people hear them say “I’m done” or “I’ve had enough”. Others will say “No” to hanging out, going to functions, or sitting around watching television, and it’s because they have a goal to reach instead. They are FIXED. And if being fixed means to be stable, fastened, firmly planted, stable, permanently placed, and not fluctuating, they’re less likely to veer to the left, right, or go on backward.

Some people get off the trail while others kept running. We see them reach their destination from our place of comfort. They feel accomplished and we feel defeated. Get back on the trail!


1 Corinthians 14:40 ESVBut all things should be done decently and in order.

Why is it some of us care much less about order? Is it because order means having responsibility and accountability? It’s overbearing for some and if order is too rigid and strict it tends to make people run the opposite way. But without order, we would be all over the place because we have no definitive direction to aim towards. We’ll find that we aren’t as effective, we wasted time and we forget the things we should have put into place. With ORDER, we already have most questions answered like; What do we need? Who will we appoint, call, or ask? Where will this take place and how will we accomplish this? When is this due? We need to know what we plan to do even if God hasn’t given us all the answers. 


Clutter creates confusion. When starting anything, get rid of the extra STUFF

  1. NOTES EVERYWHERE! Get rid of the extra papers, books, and snippets of notes here and there. Dedicate a brand new single notebook for the task and one Word Document for backup. Actually, schedule appointments with reminders and use a calendar or planner. The sooner you start the better!
  2. MESSY ENVIRONMENT- Set up your environment to work in a way that creates clarity, not chaos. You need to be able to see and find your belongings. Not having easy accessibility to them causes frustration.
  3. HAVE THE WRONG TOOLS- Invest in the proper tools to do the job right. Whatever props, assets, outfits, a library of literature, software, or materials you need, get ahold of it. Of course, work with what you have but without the “right” tools, it can make any job much harder. 
  4. MESSY HEART- It’s difficult to focus on the good things God has for you to walk out with troubles and sin filling your heart. Your load will lighten and your mind will be clearer without anger, bitterness, lusts, unforgiveness, or a foundation built on lies- for example. It’s easier to focus and hear God with a clean heart. Be willing to ask God to cleanse you and help rid you of the wrong motives or any negative intentions that will sooner or later come to the light or distract you.


We all have some mess to cut out somewhere. Whether it has to do with the people around us, our environment, or having too many tasks at once, we need to clean house every now and then so we can clearly focus. It’s meant to help us and protect that precious dream or purpose God designed us for from becoming obliterated by anything that would pull us further and further away. Time to CUT OUT THE MESS! Show God first, and then any other haters or observers, that you’re really serious!

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Reader Comments

  1. Awesome and fulfilling, I realize after reading this my path for what I seek to accomplish with my youth program can become much cleaner for me to focus on once I get rid of so.e mess that I am hoarding for no apparent reason.

    1. So true for all of us! You are definitely not alone. Some things can hold us down and stand in the way when we don’t even know it. We can always ask God to help us recognize those distractions and remove what’s necessary for excelling in the right direction to the fullest.

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