Choose to be Intentional

Picture of Lake Washington

Lake Washington

Building love in our families & relationships, Inspiring hearts with our abilities, birthing purpose-discovery through Christ Jesus, using motivation to endure through it all

A Day in Our Lives

When we look at a day in the life of ourselves, our 24 hours will have its own individual identity. For example, a lot of us have times throughout the day when we must be punctual because of clock-ins, meetings, drop-offs, and pick-ups. This is what I view as… following the routine that we feel obligated in as a “must do”. Although it’s our routine, it can kinda feel like most days takes “us” over rather than “us” taking over our day.

This I can relate to very well. I’ve been feeling overwhelmed with work, many activities, obligations, and responsibilities throughout this past summer. So much so that I found myself yearning and in a hurry to locate space through a minny break, to get away and spend some time with God, and shift my thoughts back on my goals and purpose in Hm. And so this particular word had visited my thoughts a few times —– “Intentional”.

Intentionally Have A Reason

Sometimes we’ll be skating through a season of preparation on auto-pilot. We’ll move ahead, but we’re not intentionally aware of our direction with a clear connection to our reason for it. When there is a clear connection to the reasons behind each step we take, we take each step because of that reason, and not just because it’s something to do. 

What makes us intentional is to decide, then to act, and to be diligent. When we’re intentional, we’ll make a solid decision and make definitive progress. Being intentional can bring about the intentional shift that we need to finally bring about change. It’s also important not to rush into any direction too quickly or senselessly without an understanding of your why. But when something very special has been planted in your spirit, know what it is you’re doing, and start doing it and mean to do it!

Proverbs 21:5 ESVThe plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty.

Being intentional means making some pretty certain and sure decisions- “on purpose”. This message is for those who are indecisive, feel as though God has given you some sort of direction to start, go, or begin, but you’ve been hesitant or half-stepping. It’s time to commit! It’s time to rise up and place your faith in God, even though steps are foggy and you can’t see all the answers. He just might remove the fog and reveal the next step once you’ve taken a couple. Yes, this is scary, but when you are intentional and move forward by taking the first step, it displays your confidence and in the end, you’ll have gotten much further.

What Intentional Looks Like

For some of us, being intentional means speaking up and being bold so that we’re being heard. It’s picking up the phone and expecting to have that very specific conversation, stating with clarity our limits and boundaries. It’s walking into that building full of people, and making sure you don’t hide but that others would end the night knowing who you are and what you came to do. For someone else, it’s ending a toxic relationship with a friend or companion by actually saying “it’s over” and being certain that your actions line up with your words. It is seeking God and using wisdom while making preparations for a season you’re not even yet in. It’s not wishing it could happen but making sure it does happen with a well-presentable trace of point A to point Z because you tried to tell them you meant business and weren’t going through the motions. It doesn’t leave somebody wondering what we’re doing because you’ve wasted time sitting around, they’ll know and they’ll see because we were intentional. 

Pay attention that you’re NOT speaking unintentional responses when asked about your purpose by saying things like:

  1. I’m not sure
  2. Maybe
  3. We’ll see
  4. I guess so
  5. One day

Ephesians 5:15-17 ESVLook carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.

Have you ever seen somebody in action and said “They did that on purpose”. What made you determine that? Was it that they didn’t hesitate and they didn’t care how they looked or who was watching? Perhaps. The bottom line in this whole observation around being intentional concludes with working toward the place that you intend to see yourself at, the person you desire to become in Christ Jesus, and the results you want to see come to pass. Shift your actions, time, energy, and attention toward steps B through Y, and you’ll eventually find yourself saying, “I did go from point A through Z, and I did fulfill for God everything I intended to.


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