Buoyancy- The Ability to Bounce Back

Picture of Lake Washington

Lake Washington

Building love in our families & relationships, Inspiring hearts with our abilities, birthing purpose-discovery through Christ Jesus, using motivation to endure through it all

If you’ve ever been in a pool with a beach ball, then you’ve surely held it down underwater only to let go and find that it bops you in the face. It springs up in the air, is funny to watch, and no matter how much you try, it wasn’t meant to stay beneath the water.
I’m sad to say that I’ve been at a wave pool and felt that I, unlike a beach ball, was the complete opposite of buoyant. I wouldn’t stay above the water while wave after wave had stolen my moments for air. Never underestimate a wave pool. Well let’s just say I’ll work on that…haha

Before you discover your ability to bounce back, an uncomfortable or challenging occurrence will often take place. You’re coming back from somewhere you didn’t care to be in the first place. So you may be unexpectedly be taken from life as you know it, to be shaken, turned upside down, spun in circles, and push in a totally new direction at worse. There are of course milder cases where troubles are easier to bounce back from. You will notice that when it rains, it not only pours, but in came a hurricane that left you lost sitting in the middle of confusion, pain, frustration, and stress. You’re searching for water in the middle of the desert and it looks to be nowhere for miles. Ok, so this can represents the underwater pressure. But remember whenever there’s pressure, the response will either be to crumble and be squished or, like a buoy, pop out and spring away from the pressure on all sides. Personally, I’d rather catapult myself far away from being consumed with troubles to freedom.

Psalm 1:9, NIV- I will not fear though tens of thousands assail me on every side.

Truth is, some people are naturally more buoyant than others. Why is this? No one chooses pressure and yes the degree of it can vary. Well, perhaps they’ve decided pressure on all sides, no matter what it’s from, is not for them. Not a place they’re willing to stay. They don’t like for life to beat them so they rise up! They choose rather, to not focus on it, but focus on God who’s with them. Then they can focus on their new direction and that’s enough to see their way on out. You can do the same y’know? Your buoyancy strengthens in time and you’re going to need it to accomplish all that God has for you. When you become resilient, your ability to recover during adversity becomes easier. You may have been stretched but you snapped back! If you do fail for the moment, you now know how to rebound and also who you can depend on to do it.

Jeremiah 1:19, NIV- They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you,” declares the Lord.

So, again just as a beach ball is full of air when you push it down into the water, you just need to fill yourself with more of God’s greater strength to bounce or push back, up and away from your present surroundings. It does take energy from within, so fuel your focus on the Father. He is our air in a time of need and sometime’s we’re just too deflated to withstand any pressure facing things  alone. Ask God to fill you up so you’re not lacking a thing and can soar back into the air again! Yes, it’s all easier said than done and yes sometimes life has poked too many holes in you and you’re drowning. Sometimes the repair won’t happen all at once but keep looking up rather than looking at the waters that are seeping in. Accomplish patching up one area at a time and eventually, as you trust and gain faith, you’ll come out back on top! It may be uncomfortable but at least you’ll know that what you were able to accomplish with God present, you will be able to accomplish over and over again and again.

1 John 4:4, NKJV- You are of God, little children, and have overcome them because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.  

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