An Open Window

Picture of Lake Washington

Lake Washington

Building love in our families & relationships, Inspiring hearts with our abilities, birthing purpose-discovery through Christ Jesus, using motivation to endure through it all

If you’ve ever grown up around four seasons you would remember that each of them had a transitional period to let you know what season was coming next. One of my favorite seasons growing up in Eastern Canada was Spring! Why? Because it was the beginning of something new, warm, and sunny after the snow finally melted. The smell of wet mud would rise from the ground and things would begin to bud, bloom and blossom. Every Spring, this beautiful happening of nature coming to life, happened naturally and as it should. The moment you stepped outside during the day, there was a sense of newness to embrace. But if you remained locked up in the confines of your home, then you would miss out on the potential of Spring’s essence. Unless you opened a window…

The Bible references a window as an opening from heaven that is holding back the restraint of something powerful that is needing to pour or burst out and forth. I believe if we are ready to receive and accept what God is ready to release into the vulnerable spaces of also the windows of our hearts, we would overflow with the fullness of his presence, love, and provision. This is also known as his marvelous blessing.

Malachi 3:10 NLT….. “I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in! Try it! Put me to the test!”

 Spring Cleaning

When I was younger, we would do our spring cleaning because we finally would get a sign of that warm spring air coming through. It was the best! It was this idea and thought process that said- open a window, smell the aroma, think of things in my future, and clean house. It didn’t have to be in that exact order but the most important thing was to clean and clear out the clutter and allow fresh air to fill and enter the room as a refreshing start. However, why doesn’t this beautiful wonder ever exist in seasons within ourselves? Why don’t we ever begin anew by being open to opportunities, ideas, or changes and begin to birth, bud, bloom, and blossom in undiscovered territory? Maybe it’s time to clean out our cluttered mindset, and many distractions, and allow for fresh inspiration to come in and make room. 

Some of us are so trapped up in ourselves that we don’t even know what free flow feels like… And we don’t allow for God to truly move- free flowing through our being and breathe his breath of life into our lives cause we’re so stiff.

Without an open window, and no fan, there is no moving air. Nothing is moving…… Likewise, when we remove possibilities with God, it stifles our true capacity for him to work through us. Part of being free in who we are is that it removes the ceiling. What ceiling? Our own ceiling to expand, to change, and to grow. And it allows for free flow…… If you think of a stuffy room, you know that it eventually becomes stagnant or stale. Therefore, the next thing someone might say in a cooler climate is, “Let’s open a window and get some air flowing in here!” Imagine if we opened our hearts to invite the Holy Spirit to breathe an air that empowers, guides, and comforts our very souls. I say, let the circulating begin!

John 20:21 NIV- Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. 

Windows of Opportunity

The beauty of God’s presence and the indwelling of his Holy Spirit is an opportunity waiting to shine into the window of your heart and make room in the home called your temple. 

1 Corinthians 6:19- Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?

When we look out of a window, we dream, we reflect and we observe all things imaginable. We also invite and receive. We should be careful and even pray that the windows we open are safe ones. That they are windows of opportunities that invite positive and God-approved experiences that will overflow into our lives. And if your life has been lacking spiritual luster and connection with God, consider this “open window” concept so that the right movement can happen for you to bring you to new horizons.

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